Evolutionary Biology

Casey Dunn

The Dunn lab studies how evolution has produced a diversity of life, both by learning about the actual history of life on earth as well as the general properties of evolution that have contributed to these historical patterns. 

Erika Edwards

The Edwards lab works to understand how the diversity of plant morphologies and behaviors have evolved. 

Martha Muñoz

The Muñoz lab studies the morphology, biomechanics, ecology, and physiology of amphibians and reptiles to understand the processes that drive their evolution and diversity. 

Thomas Near

Research in the Near lab is focused broadly on the use of phylogenetic hypotheses for studying patterns of speciation and adaptive radiation in monophyletic groups of teleost fishes.

C. Brandon Ogbunu

The Ogbunu lab uses experimental evolution, mathematical modeling, and computational biology to better understand the underlying causes and consequences of disease, from the molecular to the social scale. 

Alvaro Sanchez

The Sanchez lab seeks to understand and ultimately predict how microbial communities will assemble and evolve in a known environment.

Paul Turner

The main focus of the Turner group is to study evolutionary genetics and genomics of microbes, especially the ability of viruses to adapt (or not) to changes in their biotic and abiotic environments. 

Günter Wagner

The Wagner lab is interested in gene regulation as it pertains to the origin of evolutionary novelties.