Cell & Microbiology

David Breslow

The Breslow lab uses functional genomics, biochemical reconstitution, and cell-based microscopy assays to understand the role of cilia in signaling and cell cycle regulation.

Daniel Colón-Ramos 

The Colón-Ramos lab couples genetic, molecular, biochemical, behavioral and imaging techniques to identify the signals that direct precise circuit connectivity in the nematode brain and how they change during behavior and learning

Thierry Emonet

The Emonet lab combines mathematical modeling and quantitative experiments to understand the biological computations that enable organisms to sense and navigate their chemical environments.

Andrew Goodman

The Goodman lab works to dissect the mechanisms that commensal microbes use to compete, cooperate, and antagonize each other in the gut.

Stavroula Hatzios

The Hatzios uses chemical and biological tools to study enzymes and other proteins that shape host-microbe dynamics in gastrointestinal infections.

Megan King

The King lab is interested in the fundamental mechanisms that control nuclear mechanics, dynamics, and quality control.

Diane Kraus

The goal of the Kraus lab is to define how stem and progenitor cells balance and regulate fate decisions in health and disease. 

Michael O’Donnell

The O’Donnell lab is interested in understanding how microbes impact the behavior of host animals, with a focus on the impact of bacteria on nervous system function.

Alvaro Sanchez

The Sanchez lab seeks to understand and ultimately predict how microbial communities will assemble and evolve in a known environment.

Paul Turner

The main focus of the Turner group is to study evolutionary genetics and genomics of microbes, especially the ability of viruses to adapt (or not) to changes in their biotic and abiotic environments.