Developmental Biology

Shirin Bahmanyar

The Bahmanyar lab aims to understand the mechanisms that control the dynamics of the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum.

Lynn Cooley 

The Cooley lab investigates non-canonical mechanisms regulating gamete development and gene expression. 

Antonio Giraldez

The Giralez lab combines developmental biology and genomics to decode the mechanisms of gene regulation. 

Valentina Greco

The Greco lab works to define how tissues maintain themselves throughout our lives in the face of continuous cellular turnover, frequent insults, and spontaneous mutations. 

Marc Hammarlund

The Hammarlund lab develops novel ways to study the cell biology of neurons in vivo, and studies how neurons prevent degeneration, repair injury, and maintain circuit function. 

Scott Holley

The Holley lab studies the systems biology, biomechanics, and biophysics of early spinal column development. 

Valerie Horsley 

The Horsley lab investigates the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control tissue development and regeneration, using the skin and mammary gland as model systems. 

Vivian Irish

The Irish lab works to understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms that control patterning processes in plant development. 

Mustafa Khoka

The Khoka lab is interest in the genes and developmental mechanisms that lead to bird defects (congenital malformations). 

Bluma Lesch

The Lesch lab uses both experimental genetics and computational genomics to study the intersection of evolution, developmental biology, and gene regulation. 

Janghoo Lim

The Lim lab is interested in understanding the molecular basis of cellular pathology in neurodegenerative diseases and the mechanisms of brain development. 

Stefania Nicoli

The Nicoli lab uses zebrafish to understand how small non-coding RNAs coordinate cardiovascular and neuronal development. 

James Noonan

The Noonan lab is focused on deciphering the role of gene regulatory changes in the evolution of uniquely human traits, and in the neurodevelopmental phenotype of autism. 

Valerie Reinke

The Reinke lab uses genomic approaches to investigate the transcriptional and epigenetic mehanisms that regulate the fate of germ cells.

Zachary Smith

The Smith lab is interested in how covalent modifications to chromatin are coordinated to control organismal phenotype epigenetically, including possible impacts of the fetal environment. 

Berna Sozen

The Sozen lab studies fundamental principles that regulate phenotypic, metabolic, and morphogenetic processes in early embryonic patterning. 

Zhaoxia Sun

The Sun lab uses zebrafish to study polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and other diseases caused by defects in a cell surface organelle called cilium.